House League | Drop-In | Women's House League | Indoor | Teams & Events
The HSC Adult program is built on our Club's Vision, with the mission to provide an avenue for fun, safe, and rewarding sporting activity. We are always looking for ways to achieve this mission, so please be sure to contact us with any ideas.
spring/summer programs
Our Summer Adult House League is a fun league with varying levels of skill. Choose between the programs based on your experience and competitive nature.
2025 Program Details
Registration for any program also provides you access to the Sunday morning drop-in scrimmage games which begin in the spring.
All players who register on time are provided a team jersey, shorts, and socks. Players to provide their own shin guards, water bottle, and soccer cleats. Late registrations are not guaranteed a uniform.
Cancellations due to rain or poor field conditions will be posted on Facebook and our home page.
Adult Drop-In soccer is great for a fun experience that provides exercise and laughs. If you're looking for extra time to play, or prefer the once a week, non-competitive atmosphere, Drop-In is for you.
2024 Program Details
Program continues through the summer until early Fall.
Uniforms are NOT provided; players to bring a white and a dark shirt each week, a water bottle, shin guards and cleats.
Registration Link coming soon
TIME: Sunday May 5, 12, 19, & 26 at 9:00a to 11:00a
LOCATION: Huntsville Conroy Park Turf Field
TIME: Sunday June 2 until Sunday August 25 at 10:00a to 12:00p
LOCATION: Huntsville McCulley Grass Field
COST: $70.00
Fall pickup times and location to be confirmed at a later date.
NOTE: If you are registered for any Adult House League program, you do NOT need to register for Adult Drop-In, this is included in your registration fee.
WOMEN'S House League
Women's House League is a great way for women to not only have fun together, but perfect to learn the basics of soccer. No judgment, just fun!
2024 Program Details
Program starts the first week after May Long Weekend, and continues for 10 weeks.
Jerseys provided; players to bring a water bottle, shin guards and soccer cleats.
Time: Mondays at 6:30p
Location: CONROY Park (Turf Field)
Format: 7v7, referees present
Cost: $140
This is a dynamic league, for women, offering an ideal opportunity to engage in a healthy lifestyle, meet other people in our community, and improve physical and mental well-being.
2025 Fall Registration will come out in August 2025
2024 Fall programs...
This year the adult tournament will be hosted at CONROY (artificial turf field). The Carlos Burmeister Memorial Tournament will be a 7v7 format on Sunday, September 14th beginning at 9am.
Every individual wishing to play, must register. If you would like to join as a team, please email our coordinator.
Registration is FULL
ADULT FALL Drop-IN Sundays
The program will be hosted at CONROY Artifical Turf Field starting Sunday September 18th, and running every Sunday (yes, even Thanksgiving weekend) up to, and including, October 23rd, from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
See you next Fall!
Adult Indoor Soccer provides a fun, fast-paced, vitalizing game. Games are played in local school gyms, using indoor soccer nets and a futsal ball. Indoor soccer or non-marking running shoes are mandatory. Jerseys are provided in League formats.
Program Details
The club offers two, 19+, CO-ED divisions of play-styles based on varying levels of skill and competitive intensity.
Choose a program that best reflects your soccer experience and competitive nature. Skill evaluations and player placement may need to be made to determine what division best suits an individual and the division.
Cancellations due to winter weather are based on School Board cancellations. If school is cancelled, so is soccer! Notices will be posted on our home page, and Facebook page.
Contact our Adult Coordinator for more info!
2024/2025 above
Registration for adult programs HERE
The Huntsville FC is a group of competitive and experienced adult women with a passion for the sport of soccer and fitness. We use our time together to improve our soccer skills and our soccer companionship. We train weekly and try to play friendly games throughout the season.
For new players, assessments are done to ensure skill level. There are other HSC programs for beginner/intermediate adult players.
For more information, contact the Club Administrator
The Men's Over-35 group is a tournament team, playing in approximately 2 to 3 tournaments a season plus friendly games against other teams.
We do not have regular practices, but as most of us play in the Club House League program we are familiar with each other's abilities.​
Most seasons consist of at least 1 away tournament, and 2 closer to home.
If interested in participating please contact the Club Administrator
Carlos Burmeister was a true soccer fan, playing and coaching with lots of skill and passion for our Club. In response to his early passing, his family and friends have established the Foundation following Carlo's belief that 'every kid needs a soccer ball'.
In memory of Carlos, and to support the Foundation's efforts, the HSC has created the 4v4 "Carlos Burmeister Memorial Tournament". For more info on how the Foundation and HSC are working together, see this Doppler article.
7V7 Carlos Tournament
Quickly becoming a favourite among our adult players, small-sided soccer is fast, fun and competitive.
Watch our homepage for updates, and newsletters in your inbox!